Verifying Outlines
You can verify an outline automatically when you save it, or you can verify the outline manually anytime. When verifying an outline, Essbase checks the following items:
- All member and alias names are valid. Members and aliases cannot have the same name as other members, aliases, generations, or levels. See Naming Restrictions for Applications and Databases.
- Only one dimension is tagged as accounts, time, currency type, or country.
- Shared members are valid as described in Understanding the Rules for Shared Members.
- Level 0 members are not tagged as label only.
- Label-only members have not been assigned formulas.
- The currency category and currency name are valid for the currency outline.
- Dynamic Calc members in sparse dimensions do not have more than 100 children.
- If a parent member has one child, and if that child is a Dynamic Calc member, the parent member must also be Dynamic Calc.
- If a parent member has one child, and if that child is a Dynamic Calc, two-pass member, the parent member must also be Dynamic Calc, two-pass.
- The two names of members of Boolean attribute dimensions are the same as the two Boolean attribute dimension member names defined for the outline.
- The level 0 member name of a date attribute dimension must match the date format name setting (mm-dd-yyyy or dd-mm-yyyy). If the dimension has no members, because the dimension name is the level 0 member, the dimension name must match the setting.
- The level 0 member name of a numeric attribute dimension is a numeric value. If the dimension has no members, because the dimension name is the level 0 member, the dimension name must be a numeric value.
- Attribute dimensions are located at the end of the outline, following all standard dimensions.
- Level 0 Dynamic Calc members of standard dimensions have a formula.
- Formulas for members are valid.
- In a Hybrid Analysis outline, only the level 0 members of a dimension can be Hybrid Analysis-enabled.
During outline verify, Essbase also performs the following conversions to appropriate numeric attribute dimension member names and displays them in the outline:
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